Starbucks in the Fiddler, Fifer And Practical Cafe, California Adventureland

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chocolate Mickey shaped cookie at Starbucks Disney

As we gear up to hit Disneyland tomorrow -without the kids!- my thoughts already have been swirling around with what places we are going to try out food-wise this time around. I’ve written about a few (and I still have pictures and reviews to write about others), now it’s time to settle in and really look at which ones I need to place a visit to.

If you haven’t seen my posts, make sure to check out my reviews for:

Cafe Orleans

The Blue Bayou

The Carnation Cafe

The Golden Vine WineryĀ Ā ( California Adventure)

When I start thinking of food at Disneyland, my mind immediately goes to the first Starbucks that was opened there, in California Adventure.

I don’t think you can possibly grasp how excited Mike was. I mean, Disneyland literally became the Happiest Place on Earth, for real, for that man. He was good. While you did have to visit California Adventure to get your fix, now there is also a place that serves Starbucks in Disneyland, the Market House on Main Street USA.

The one over in California Adventure has our hearts though, being larger and having better offerings food-wise,

Plus, it was our first and you never forget your first, as the saying goes.

Starbucks Disney Bread Display

The kids and I always buy a Mickey shaped cookie and let me tell you, I am SO curious to see if there is a Halloween offering tomorrow! Disneyland is in full Halloween swing here!

chocolate Mickey shaped cookie at Starbucks Disney on the tray

The menu has everything that a normal Starbucks does.

Starbucks Disney Counter Menu

Mmmm. Frappuccino’s. Espresso.

So needed when you are doing Disneyland with the kids!

Starbucks Disney showing the Frappuccino's and Espresso Menu

Speaking of which, there they are, in their favorite seats ( seriously, they sit right there every time we visit) having their Mickey cookies.

kids sitting near the corner at Starbucks Disney

What we really love is how large and in charge theĀ Fiddler, Fifer And Practical Cafe is. Unlike your normal Starbucks, there is always room to sit and relax in the air-conditioning for a while.

Large Starbucks Disney Cafe with Lots of seats to offer

Super. Yum.

Also, can we say talented baristas?

Look at how close they got to spelling my name right! You don’t even want to know what gets written on my Starbucks orders. I could start a whole new blog based on that šŸ˜‰

Starbucks Disney Frappe with the Name Carlyn Written on it

So Moms and Dads, caregivers and more, this is where you want to be first thing in the morning or for an afternoon hit of caffeine. I seriously love this place. It honestly makes Disneyland the Happiest Place on Earth for me, nevermind Mike!

Disneyland is the one place that I seem to fall off the caffeine wagon, without fail. I don’t drink much caffeine day-to-day, but Lord above, you put me in Disneyland and I can’t get enough. Must be the continuous running after my kids….

So have you found this at Disneyland? I am surprised how many people have no idea that it even exists!

Love you more than Disney (er…but it’s a close one…it really is….)


Fiddler Fifer and Practical Cafe on Urbanspoon

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Karlynn Johnston

Iā€™m a busy mom of two, wife & cookbook author who loves creating fast, fresh meals for my little family on the Canadian prairies. Karlynn Facts: I'm allergic to broccoli. I've never met a cocktail that I didn't like. I would rather burn down my house than clean it. Most of all, I love helping YOU get dinner ready because there's nothing more important than connecting with our loved ones around the dinner table!

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