The gym of the school for the Culinary Arts Cook Off events with lots of participants

I left off the last post with a picture of the above crowd in the gym of the school for the Culinary Arts Cook Off.  Believe it or not, that picture was taken about 15 minutes into the event. I was so busy the day of the event that I didn’t have my camera with me, instead I handed it off to Doug, one of the parent volunteers for the event and said “Here. Don’t break it and get pictures of everything please.”

And he did. Get pictures, that is, the camera was returned intact with a card full of pictures. That picture above was one was in the very first set that he shot that day.

The reason would be that this was the line up right at the start of the cook off:

Line up of participants at the start of the cook off

Speaking of Doug, he’s one of the few volunteers there are pictures of, but luckily he has a family picture from the day.

family picture of Mom, kid and Dad during the cook off event

It just got busier and busier as the event went along. Here’s Chef Andrew Parker handing out his mac n’ cheese, which was Mr Magpie’s favorite of the day.

a man handing out a cup of mac n' cheese to a participant

These two handsome gentlemen are Senior Chef de Partie Lalit Upadhyaya (right) and his apprentice Phil Tran from the Shaw Conference Centre.

two male chefs with their full white uniforms

The crowds also had these two serving up their mac n’ cheese as fast as they could get it out!

two chefs wearing white uniforms are busy in the kitchen

Everywhere you looked, people were enjoying some of the best mac n’ cheese in town for only $1 a serving! Smart and lucky people, they knew a bargain when they saw it.

people in the event enjoying the best mac n' cheese

Liv from Battista’s Calzone serving up her mac n’ cheese stuffed calzones.

two ladies in their booth serving the mac n' cheese stuffed calzones

Those calzones were pretty darn popular, I think especially with the younger crowd!

two pieces of mac n' cheese stuffed calzones

Traditional mac n’ cheese….

Traditional mac n' cheese in a large pan

…along with even more mac n ‘cheese…..

more mac n 'cheese in another pan

..not quite traditionally served by the Muppets.

Where else you get the best mac n’ cheese served to you by Kermit and Miss Piggy? Only at an Arts Core School, I tell you.

I’m thinking I might ask all the chefs to dress up next year.

I take suggestions.

mac n' cheese served by Kermit and Miss Piggy - servers in costumes

An utterly amazing time was had by all, we were graced with so many amazing people from the Highlands community that came out to show their support. Brian Mason, the MLA for Highlands and the Leader of the NDP is pictured (right) Ā here talking with Ted Smith, (middle) a noted local Highlands artist. Mr Smith was incredibly generous and donated the most beautiful stained glass art for the auction part of the cook off and then came to the event the day of to support us. His gorgeous art went to a very lucky home. Mr Mason was kind enough to fit us into his incredibly busy schedule – election time!- and come present the People’s Choice award to the winner and eat some mac n’ cheese.

three old men chatting with a painted wall on their background
feeding granddaughter with yummy mac n' cheese

I love this picture of the Heard family, owners of UnheardOf, feeding their granddaughter some of their yummy mac n’ cheese.  I had mentioned that their grandson attends the school, making this a family event for them!

Principals came…..

woman and man holding cups of yummy mac n' cheese

..many mac n’ cheese sold out completely……

signing in for mac n' cheese

…and crafts were made in the Family Fun Room that was run by Little Einstein’s Daycare, right in Mount Royal School…..

child creating crafts at the blue table

…and winners were announced.

In my next post.


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Karlynn Johnston

Iā€™m a busy mom of two, wife & cookbook author who loves creating fast, fresh meals for my little family on the Canadian prairies. Karlynn Facts: I'm allergic to broccoli. I've never met a cocktail that I didn't like. I would rather burn down my house than clean it. Most of all, I love helping YOU get dinner ready because there's nothing more important than connecting with our loved ones around the dinner table!

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