Culinary Arts Cook Off Logo in Black and White

I am sure that if you follow me on Twitter or Facebook, or simply have the dubious distinction of actually knowing me in real life, you have already heard of my newest baby. My third child.  The project that has me a aflutter with excitement, anticipation and quite simply what keeps me up at night with chest pains.

Chest pains aside, the excitement and anticipation is overwhelming for me. Being involved in not only the online global food community so heavily but the Edmonton food side of things, this baby of mine has been setting in the back of my grey matter for oh, almost a year now.

Almost a year of planning on the side, working with the amazing parents of Mount Royal Arts Core School here in Edmonton, Alberta and collectively putting that grey matter to work on launching a soon-to-be large official fundraiser for the school.

Anyone who has said dubious distinction of knowing me in real life knows that my son started in a partly homeschooled learning environment. When it came time for us to move out of that, I combed Edmonton looking for schools that suited our families learning beliefs.

I’ve been everywhere, man, just like Mr Johnny Cash, when it comes to looking at educational institutions in Edmonton.  Mount Royal School has only recently in the past few years become an Arts Core School and the newness and excitement I found within this school was exhilarating. There is nothing, nothing like finding a school bursting at the seams with unsung potential, with the love of children apparent in every nook & cranny and the passion of artistic endeavours echoing through the halls daily.

Oh, did I mention I was coerced into fundraising this year?  Ah, I tease. I have been promising the parent’s advisory council that as soon as my youngest was in school full time I would become an active member. I spent my entire days driving my kids to school, no word of a lie, since we don’t live anywhere near the school and time has always been an issue.

Time is still an issue, but this was the year.

So when looking at a fundraiser for the school it was more than a natural succession of events to celebrate something that is close to my heart.

And thus, the Culinary Arts Cook Off has come to fruition.

I have been blessed in knowing so many fabulous people in Edmonton thanks to writing this site, that when it came time to ask someone to help, I had a very hard time deciding who to ask.  I decided on Chef Shane Chartrand from L2, a well-known and very talented chef here in Edmonton.

Why did I decide on him, you ask?

I was mean and calculating. I knew he had a soft heart,  I had him at the words “helping out kids”. I saw it when I asked him, he was hooked and there was no going back.

So Chef  Shane has been sending out those contest applications and working on his side of the fence tirelessly and putting up with my endless nagging, which I’d like to thank him for profusely.

Now I know so darn many of you here in Edmonton that I am having a very hard time contacting you all. I have almost 1400 of you following me and Twitter is just mean when it comes to searching. I just tweeted this morning for #yeg and #yegfood to let me know how you would like to get involved. Email me.  Let me know.  We want to hear from you. In the meanwhile, most of you will get emails from me. If you don’t hear from me, please email me. My brain is scattered in about 5 millions directions right about now.

Want to volunteer in a position? Let me know.

Would you like to donate some items? Contact me about the advertising for your company that comes with a donation.  Oh yes, advertising. We’re trying to give back to the foodie community too, not just take.

Want to just come? Tell me you’re attending and stop by to say hi. I’ll be the one running around freaking out. Then you’ll have that dubious distinction that I keep talking about.

But make sure to go follow The Culinary Arts Cook OffĀ  on Twitter,Ā  Facebook and our new website.

Our first official post is up!

This event is our main fundraiser for the school year, with all proceeds going to the Mount Royal Parentā€™s Advisory Council who provide funds for activities and events integral to our Arts Core Programming.

When choosing what food we should challenge Edmontonā€™s best chefā€™s with, we tossed around quite a few ideas. Deciding that our event was going to be family-centric, with a strong emphasis on our students and parents attending together to have a great Saturday afternoon, we soon came to the conclusion that this year, our first fantastic year, was going to be Mac Nā€™ Cheese.

And when your event is happening in the middle of blustery, cold March here in Edmonton, comfort food was at the top of our list!

So on March 17th, 2012 from 11 am until 2:30 in the afternoon, Edmontonā€™s finest are going to descend upon our wonderful little Arts Core school and present us with their macaroni and cheese creations!

Samples of their delicacies will be available at a family friendly price of $1 a serving!

The First Annual Culinary Arts Cook Off

DATE: Saturday, March 17th, 2012

TIME: 11:00-2:30

LOCATION: Mount Royal Elementary Campus

        11303 55 Street, Edmonton, AB


Thank you to everyone who in the mere two days since I announced this has besieged me with emails, support and saying yes to me. Most importantly the saying “yes” part. It just reaffirms what an amazing, supportive food community we have here in Edmonton and I am truly blessed in knowing you all!


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Karlynn Johnston

Iā€™m a busy mom of two, wife & cookbook author who loves creating fast, fresh meals for my little family on the Canadian prairies. Karlynn Facts: I'm allergic to broccoli. I've never met a cocktail that I didn't like. I would rather burn down my house than clean it. Most of all, I love helping YOU get dinner ready because there's nothing more important than connecting with our loved ones around the dinner table!

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  1. Tanis P says

    My husband and I are soooo in for checking this out =)

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