young girl wearing black jacket looking with something at her hands

My family teases me for the constant clicking sound of my shutter, that sound that accompanies me where ever I go, indeed, it’s almost like wearing a signature perfume except you can hear me instead of smell me. Almost every family event is punctuated by a steady *click* sound in the background. Luckily after a few years of blogging I have broken them in and the teasing has slowed down.

My reaction usually entails an eye roll followed by me saying “Seriously? Don’t make me put an ugly picture of you on my website for thousands to see.”

Stops them dead in their teasing tracks every time. I wonder why that is?

What the non-camera junkies and non-bloggers don’t always understand is that I am looking for that story. The story in pictures. To get a food story in one shot usually entails a still life; a table full of cookies, eaten and half eaten, crumbs, a glass of milk, some crumpled napkins. One gets the feel of what happened from just one picture, a picture that can take a long time to build!

Children on the other hand, almost always take me more than one shot, multiple pictures are needed on most occasions to build a story.

close up of young girl looking at her hands

The story of my little Rose and her ladybug took me a few shots to capture.

The concentration.

young girl concentrated looking at the ladybug in her hand

The thoughtfulness.

close up of young girl looking down

The conversation.

close up of young girl looking at the ladybug on her hands

I thought I had enough..and then I found what I was looking for.

One lone picture, a heartbeat in time snapped at the right moment.

One lone picture that summed it all up.

The JOY.

When I saw this picture I knew that I had captured what I wanted in one picture. The love, the joy, the free-spiritedness of my little Rose, her fierce adoration of all of God’s creatures, great and small.

happy young girl letting the ladybug crawl in her hand

As her mother it is so apparent that this picture reflects everything about her at this very moment in time, a beautiful treasure to hold dear to my heart, to keep for her when she is older.

It goes without saying that it worth the 30 shots I took of her and her ladybug. This was the only shot like this when I went to edit the photos. These pure moments happen once and if you are lucky, you are clicking away for all you are worth trying to capture it.

If you are lucky, you are participating as well, a talent that I am honing, to participate and yet record this event at the same time. To talk and interact with her about her ladybug, to exult along with her in her buggy find so that not only she will remember this event, but I will too.

So from one newbie photographer to another, take those hundred shots of what (to other people) may seem like the same thing . Take those pot-shots too, from family and friends who love to tease. You’ll get that picture that has the whole story in it.

Just remember to be a part of the story as well.

Does anyone have pictures like the one above? That moment in time you captured that you will always remember? If so, let me know, I would love to see and share them!



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Karlynn Johnston

Iā€™m a busy mom of two, wife & cookbook author who loves creating fast, fresh meals for my little family on the Canadian prairies. Karlynn Facts: I'm allergic to broccoli. I've never met a cocktail that I didn't like. I would rather burn down my house than clean it. Most of all, I love helping YOU get dinner ready because there's nothing more important than connecting with our loved ones around the dinner table!

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  1. thatcriticguy says

    beautiful story sweetheart and an amazing bunch of pictures of or girly.

  2. CookTheStory says

    This is such a beautifully written piece. I know I don’t take enough pictures of my kiddos. Thanks for the reminder. That picture of pure joy is beautiful, as are the others as well.

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