Oh, I do know that it’s not the Year of The Dragon, it’s actually the Year of the Horse for 2014. However, I am a Year of the Dragon child!
I must admit, I love to rub in the fact that not only was I born in the year of the Dragon (March 1976), I was also born in the year of the FIRE dragon. Apparently the year of the Dragon is most desirable:
”Ā FireĀ attributes are considered to be dynamism, strength, and persistence; however, it is also connected to restlessness. The fire element provides warmth, enthusiasm, and creativity, however an excess of it can bring aggression, impatience, and impulsive behavior. In the same way, fire provides heat and warmth, however an excess can also burn.”
I would say that yes to the restlessness – any excuse to justify my travel addiction- creativity and warmth…and fine, I will admit to the impatience as well. Impulsive and aggressive? Not so much.
“Dragons may devote themselves to a great cause or work, and if so, they will see it through to the end. This talent work two ways, as they can be equally devoted to a bad cause and equally successful in it. Dragons can’t help but win! This is undoubtedly due to the fact that of all the Chinese signs, those born under the influence of the Dragon are considered the luckiest of all and good fortune simply follows them wherever they go”
Sadly, I haven’t won the lottery yet but I can truly say that with the family I have, I’ve won the life lottery enough as it is.
Speaking of the family, Mike is a Rabbit, my son is a sheep and my daughter is Year of The Dog. (This thrills her to no end, of course, the only other animal she’d prefer would be a unicorn. Sadly, there is no Year of the Unicorn, though really, there should be!)
By this point I am sure you are wondering how Beef and Broccoli fits into this equation. Some of you may already be raising your eyebrows at the title, fully knowing that I’m allergic to broccoli. I know. Lucky me.
As an ambassador for Blue Dragon for a couple of months, I was sent all sorts of sauces and treats and one of them happened to be Beef and Broccoli.
Believe it or not, we do eat broccoli in our house but it’s very seldom, we make do with other greens instead, but once in a while I will buy it for the rest of the family to enjoy. The package inspired me to make some for the kids and Mike.
I’m thinking that we should add “giving, awesome and sacrificing” to the list of Dragon qualities? Just kidding š
Mike loves beef and broccoli, because in all honesty it’s been YEARS since we’ve had it! Well, since they have had it. We don’t even order it anymore from restaurants since I can’t eat it. Ā So the Blue Dragon sauces are perfect for this because when I make beef and broccoli, I actually have to make another dish for myself completely! So using a sauce and quickly sauteing up the ingredients works for me, I then have the time to make myself another dish.
So yes, maybe we can added multi-tasking mama to the list of Dragon qualities!
So, what Chinese Zodiac sign are you? Check it out here and see!Ā
If you’d like to check out the line of Blue Dragon products, click here. They are also in local stores such as Superstore!
Happy Cooking!
āDisclosure: I am part of the Blue Dragon Ambassador program with Mom Central Canada and I receive special perks as part of my affiliation with this group. The opinions on this blog are my own.āĀ
Iām a busy mom of two, wife & cookbook author who loves creating fast, fresh meals for my little family on the Canadian prairies. Karlynn Facts: I'm allergic to broccoli. I've never met a cocktail that I didn't like. I would rather burn down my house than clean it. Most of all, I love helping YOU get dinner ready because there's nothing more important than connecting with our loved ones around the dinner table!
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