close up of allium that starting to grow in the dry soil

Or at least they were before the snow and tornado like winds that we received in April. Good ol’ Alberta. Gotta love it here!

I was very happy to see green poking through the dirt, but not so happy that I had to water the flowerbeds to achieve this. What a dry spring, I have never had to water my flowerbeds to get things growing. But there was a point where I could see the front was parched and not a single iris growing so I knew that I had to water or everything was going to be late.

I really hope that it’s not a sign of things to come.. I would love a hot, rainy summer.

Please-oh-please-oh-please. We need rain desperately this year, Alberta is turning into the Dust Bowl.

Anyhow, on to cheerier, greener things.

Like my lupins. And my giant Allium above.

close up of lupins with red green leaves

Hollyhocks, aka weeds.

Hollyhocks starting to grow with the dry leaves

My delphinium.

close up of new growth delphinium

I do believe that this is my Shasta daisy. I planted one of those, right? Right?Anyone? I have such a bad habit of planting then forgetting.

shasta daisy leaves

Rhubarb! Blackbird, you were craving it last year, so here’s hoping that I can provide you with some this year.

close up of a wrinkled rhubarb

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Karlynn Johnston

I’m a busy mom of two, wife & cookbook author who loves creating fast, fresh meals for my little family on the Canadian prairies. Karlynn Facts: I'm allergic to broccoli. I've never met a cocktail that I didn't like. I would rather burn down my house than clean it. Most of all, I love helping YOU get dinner ready because there's nothing more important than connecting with our loved ones around the dinner table!

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  1. Karlynn says

    And if I knew what depth of field was…. 😉 you can explain at work one day lol. I know, I know, you cry because I have such a nice little camera and don’t use it like I should.

  2. Rebecca says

    Wow, K, your depth of field on these photographs is amazing!! 🙂

  3. Charlynn says

    Isn’t it exciting? Mine are alive right now and I can’t wait for the rain to stop so I can plant some more! I, like you, forget where/what I plant. Ok if you don’t spend too much money on stuff, not so good when you spend $$$$ on a perennial garden from a mail-order place and they don’t seem to want to grow! Customer service rep: So, just dig around where you planted them to see if there are any sprouts/new roots showing. You do know where you planted them right? Me: Ah, yeah, um Of Course I remember! Customer service rep: OK, so check that out and then give us a call.

    Needless to say, I haven’t phoned them back yet! Fingers crossed that my perennial garden sprouts!

  4. Karlynn says

    I love a good Rhubarb crisp and also rhubarb/stawberry jam…I would love to try to make some of both this year…MMMmm.Hungry.

  5. Blackbird says

    RHUBARB! I am already excited, Jr and I just love rhubarb crisp. I think I made 4 last year just for us and more to give to others.

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