Welcome To The Newly Designed Kitchen Magpie Site!

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The Newly Designed Kitchen Magpie Site


It’s been a long six months, but the redesign of The Kitchen Magpie is now live!

You can see that the basic layout has stayed the same, Ā but I wanted to blow the lid off this site graphically. I wanted a design that was new and eye-catching, not to mention a look that was unique to me.

I wanted clean, fresh and a big bang visually as soon as you hit the site.

After running a website for a few years I knew there were a few things I needed to make sure were incorporated into the new design.

  • A huge visual recipe index. We all love pictures of food and I wanted to give everyone the chance to be able to scroll through all my recipes on a big page of photos.
  • Highlighting the fact that I am Canadian. I’m tired of everyone thinking that I must live in the United States since I make my living running this website. I wanted this site to shout (well, whisper politely, I AM Canadian after all) Ā to the rooftops that yes indeed, I am a Canadian blogger! Can you find the little clues that give that away?
  • A little shout out to my city, Edmonton. Can you find it on the website?
  • The opportunity to have guest bloggers and posts that will feature their avatar and not my own. Stay tuned for those guest bloggers!
  • A header that can be changed with the month. This was the most important part, I wanted fresh pictures monthly but a header that was easy to change since I swear I am graphically challenged. See the Halloween pics? Those will be Christmas pictures soon!
  • Bigger pictures! My post pictures are bigger than before.
  • Better recipe printing. This is in the works and will be up ASAP!

Now, with a site redesign comes little growing pains and the site is certainly not finished. The sidebars will have additional content that is coming, but that all takes a little time.

I’d like to take this chance to ask YOU, my readers, what you would like to see on this site?

What are some things that drive you nuts about food blogs that you would like changed?

Is there anything that could be better?

What works?

What are the most important things that you look for on a website?

Since we are still technically in the middle of a revamp, I would love for everyone to weigh in on what you’d like to see. You are the most important part of this website, without you I am basically talking to myself!

Please tell me I’m not just talking to myself…..

So weigh in people! Tell me what you’d like to see on here. Lay it on me. I make no promises but I am always so interested to hear from you all!


The Totally Excited Beyond Words That My Site is Up Magpie

Learn to cook like the Kitchen Magpie

A Very Prairie Christmas Bakebook

Vintage Baking to Celebrate the Festive Season!

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a copy of Flapper Pie cook book

Flapper Pie and a Blue Prairie Sky

A Modern Bakerā€™s Guide to Old-Fashioned Desserts

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The Prairie Table

Suppers, Potlucks & Socials: Crowd-Pleasing Recipes to Bring People Together

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Karlynn Johnston

Iā€™m a busy mom of two, wife & cookbook author who loves creating fast, fresh meals for my little family on the Canadian prairies. Karlynn Facts: I'm allergic to broccoli. I've never met a cocktail that I didn't like. I would rather burn down my house than clean it. Most of all, I love helping YOU get dinner ready because there's nothing more important than connecting with our loved ones around the dinner table!

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  1. vvboutiquestyle says

    Love love love your new site!!  Congrats – all your hard work has paid off!  Two things:

    1. when I search the term “monkeys” or “circus” nothing is coming up???

    2. I’m pretty sure the site would be WAY more effective situated on a nice little piece of property where grouse roam freely (till you or your sister hunts them down) in my neighbourhood.  Just sayin.


    • thekitchenmagpie says

      _u*********@li******.com" profile_url="https://www.livefyre.com/profile/13091610/" ns="true">vvboutiquestyle I’ll get right on that monkey circus search mistake!  Yes, acreage life would be great! We’ll see what happens!

  2. lnury says

    It looks great, I love it ! I’ll try one of your Canadian specialties soon, it will remind me of my exchange semester there, I loved it very much !
    Keep up the good work Karlynn šŸ™‚

    • thekitchenmagpie says

      _u*********@li******.com" profile_url="https://www.livefyre.com/profile/15507777/" ns="true">lnury Aw thanks so much! 

    • thekitchenmagpie says

      _u*********@li******.com" profile_url="https://www.livefyre.com/profile/22314928/" ns="true">pammay88 Good, I was hoping that people liked it. I love a recipe index with pictures, I am obviously such a visual person.

    • thekitchenmagpie says

      @pammay88 Yes! Someone caught the Alberta Wild Rose! 

    • KitchenMagpie says

      SherryIrvine11 Thank you! I so love my new site too! Makes me all happy! My husband cmscritic not so much, he’s still hard at work on it!

  3. fridge freezer says

    nice site. it’s easy on the eye and there are some good recipes shown. keep up the good work.

  4. Melanie says

    This looks great! Clicked around a bit and enjoyed seeing how the recipes are organized by photo (yum!) and how you’ve sectioned off your menus. I really like the canadian stamp, your centre magpie logo and note, your edmonton photo and especially your signature! So pretty! My only comment is that the cake form in the top bar irritates me because it is too small. I’d replace it with… a fork or a measuring spoon or… a tea bag? šŸ˜‰ But not a big seal! Love it love it love it!

    • thekitchenmagpie says

      @Melanie LOL you’re too funny! Thanks for the kind words!

  5. ACanadianFoodie says

    The images under the headers on the front page are great, too

    So happy for you!

  6. ACanadianFoodie says

    Love your photo – finally – a good one deserving of how you really look! Love the recipes menu bar – have to look at the home page, yet. There is a little problem with the side to the left I think, unless the side berries are to be cut in half. Almost missed the secondary menu, but I like that subtlety. Love that you have your signature on the footer. I want that! I think the feather next watermark is too light. I didn’t notice is at all until intently looking at the scratches at the bottom. Great idea – Can it be a little more apparent? Hand washing photo – maybe there before  = but is perfect. Love the links on your footer.

    Excellent. It is YOU. It is gorgeous – just like you. Header is beautiful. Love the little symbols that reference who you are and what is important to you. Congratulations!!!



    • thekitchenmagpie says

      _u*******@li******.com" profile_url="https://www.livefyre.com/profile/2165094/" ns="true">ACanadianFoodie Thanks Val! 

  7. KitchenMagpie says

    super_su Aw thanks!! It has been a long labour of love! I am so very happy with my new site!

  8. supersu says

    hey K-

    looks beautiful – i see the ‘canada’ clues but not the #yeg shoutout

    and i’m sure it’s just on my computer (i am the MOST un-tech savvy person you know) but the banner at the top is not all showing across my computer….the littler version below shows me that

    i love the colors, and the pictures, and the recipe index in pics….super!

    good job

    su šŸ™‚

    aka – totally in awe of your many many talents
    aka – surprised that the second most pinned post is grape cupcakes – i would have thought that your beautifully decorated canada day cake would have been right up there – i still am amazed at the simplicity and beauty of that cake decorating

    • thekitchenmagpie says

      @supersu What program do you browse with? The banner should be working, it glitched on a couple categories but now is fixed. The yeg shout out is below somewhere šŸ˜‰

      Thanks for the lovely words <3 !

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