cute little baby sleeping in her Mom's arm at the lap

So yesterday everyone met the beautiful, red-headed blue eyed baby that makes your ovaries sing and the urge to nest overtake you.

She also comes with a family!

Sorry about again, the picture of utter cuteness and blissful baby. I can’t help it. I want that baby.

So she has a sister, and said sister got along famously with The Princess.

In fact, we rather had Two Princess’s for the day.

One was just smaller and sassed you back in an Australian accent.

Have you ever been sassed by a two-year old with big blue eyes and an Aussie accent?

You think to yourself,  “would her parents mind if I picked her up and squeezed and kissed those sassy cheeks then taught her a few cuss words as well?”

There are a few that I think would be just hilarious in her accent. And it’s always funnier when it’s not your kid.

So I didn’t teach her any bad words despite my longing to, but let her and my daughter play uninterrupted all day.

a box of rice krispies and packs of chocolate bars

And here are the parents that brought these sweeties to visit, I guess I better post a picture of them too! Cara, my friend from high school and her husband Dan. Cara was the exchange student in our high school, from Australia, who was unfortunate to land in with the bad crowd nice enough to hang around us.

The stories I could tell right now.

The stories I SHOULD have told her husband.

But I like her and I don’t think she would come back to visit and bring those adorable kids with her if I did.

So, I said nothing.

But punished her husband inadvertently.

Mom , Dad and their sleeping baby sitting in the couch

Cara and I went to pick up Mr K from school, and since The Two Princess’s were playing upstairs so nicely, we left them and popped out to get my boy.

And came home to this:

a doll with cream on the face

It’s like out of a horror movie. They took the bum cream out, covered their own arms from fingertips to elbows, then smothered the doll.

Then My Princess got frustrated that she couldn’t open the doors upstairs with her greasified hands, and came downstairs to tell Dan. And somehow inbetween the cream got on a few walls as well.

Oh mah gawd, I can imagine the look on his face. I was so embarrassed when I got home!

The funniest part is when he wanted to clean up.

*said in a thick Australian accent *  ” Princess, where does your mum keep the towels?”

The Princess just looks at him….

*tries again in same thick Australian accent* “towels…where does mum keep the TOW-ELS….taaaaw-wellls.”

The Princess again….blink…..blink.

He said she had no idea what he was talking about thanks to his accent, but the well-trained man that he is, knew that my linen cupboard would have towels.

He was so concerned that he wrecked a towel. After cleaning up bum cream from my walls and door handles.Sweetie.

I was so mortified that The Princess corrupted their daughter so thoroughly and completely.

Then I felt much better watching their daughter show mine how to poke the eyes and ears of babies with sharp objects.

two little kids playing the baby doll in the couch

Do you think they gave me the right town where they live and really meant the offer to visit?

Oh wait, I do remember Dan telling me to give them two weeks notice.

I bet that’s so they can run away before we come.

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Karlynn Johnston

Iā€™m a busy mom of two, wife & cookbook author who loves creating fast, fresh meals for my little family on the Canadian prairies. Karlynn Facts: I'm allergic to broccoli. I've never met a cocktail that I didn't like. I would rather burn down my house than clean it. Most of all, I love helping YOU get dinner ready because there's nothing more important than connecting with our loved ones around the dinner table!

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