little girl sitting in the sink of the bathroom

There were a lot of titles in the running for this post, I could barely choose one. Some of the runners up were:

Why I Have Slept With One Eye Open For The Last 5 Years.

Why I Never Get Anything Done During Daylight Hours.

I Know, Deep Down Inside, That It’s Wrong to Drink During The Day. But Why?

You Believe Me NOW? Huh??!! DO YOU??!!

I .Told .You. So.

My daughters escapades are pretty much legend among my family and close friends, those who are fortunate (?) enough to know us well. In fact, one friend’s son actually asks for stories about my daughter, requesting her to tell him something funny or bad that she did.

She has many, many stories to tell.

I think sometimes when I try to get across to people that don’t know me as well, such as my lovely co-workers, what life with her is really like, that no one really believes me.

That she really does get up to this kind of mischief on a regular basis. A very regular basis, let me assure you.

She decided to  get into her swimsuit today when she came home from kindergarten, which hey, to be frank is not out of the ordinary for this household. Completely normal for the afternoon around these parts.

However, when I was making my Kitchen Sink Chili – perfect for this cold snap- she tiptoed upstairs into the kids bathroom, closed the door, ran a sink full of cold water and sat in it.

Let me defend myself for a moment here too.

I know how cute and evil she is.

I know she gets up to trouble.

I put on Diego, her favorite show in the whole world so I could make dinner without worry, and for some reason today it didn’t contain her to one room nor capture her attention.

The siren call of the bathing suit was too much for her.

little girl sitting in the sink of the bathroom with a big mirror on her side

There is a reason why we stopped having children after her.

My liver couldn’t take it.

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Karlynn Johnston

Iā€™m a busy mom of two, wife & cookbook author who loves creating fast, fresh meals for my little family on the Canadian prairies. Karlynn Facts: I'm allergic to broccoli. I've never met a cocktail that I didn't like. I would rather burn down my house than clean it. Most of all, I love helping YOU get dinner ready because there's nothing more important than connecting with our loved ones around the dinner table!

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  1. Tanya Frewin says

    Alexis used to spend a lot of time in the sink too. Lol.

  2. Brenda says

    So fun! I have a 7 year old boy – and man could I tell stories!!! Your daughter in the sink? Awesome.

  3. A Canadian Foodie says

    My question is “Why the COLD water?” when it is so cold outside. It all seems very normal to me – except the water temp.
    (Her teachers will LOVE her!)

  4. Karlynn says

    The thing I still don’t get is why not the tub? It’s right there? Why the sink? We think it’s because she knew it was quiet enough not to get caught, no word of a lie. She’s that dang smart.

  5. maja says

    oh my, just like her mom!!! I remember you as a young lady and you always did things a little different then others. hehe

  6. Kevin says

    I’m looking forward to summer too – I don’t blame her.

    Here’s it’s usually tutus, not bathing suits.

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