comments on buttercream icing on top of cupcake

Well if the title of this post ain’t fishing for comments, I’ll eat my hat. With a side of cupcake.

These are the types of things I think of at 5:55 in the morning. Why I am up at 5:55 in the morning on the Sunday of our glorious May Long Weekend here in Canada, I don’t know. I’m going to hazard a guess that it has to do with the fact that I was so physically tired last night from a full day of yard work that I simply didn’t wake once last night and had a fabulous straight 7.5 hours sleep.

I started thinking of writing something today then my mind progressed to my Philly Chocolate Cream Cheese Breakfast Buns and how a friend had commented on Twitter that her family loved them and indeed, had eaten the whole batch at one sitting.

These are the things I love to hear.

These are also the things that other readers of The Kitchen Magpie site love, need, want and are looking to hear.

So I thought to myself, Self, you should write a post about the value of comments on recipes.

I’d like to point out this entire thought process happened while lying in bed, trying desperately to fall back asleep because it’s simply just wrong to be up before 6 am on a long weekend, dang it.

So because this thought had me up with the birds this morning and because I think it’s valuable information for all readers of food blogs to know, here goes!

***I have pulled REAL comments from my Best Buttercream Icing Ever recipe to show you how interesting they are and what value they add!***

  • I -and others- like to read comments.

We all simply like to read what other people have written. When I have a spare moment and am visiting another fellow food bloggers website, I love to read the comments about the recipes. In fact, I can’t remember the last time I read a recipe on a blog and didn’t scroll down to the comments.

We all look to see if anyone had success with the recipe, we also look to see if anyone did a version of our recipe and has something interesting to add! There are tons of variations of my Best Buttercream Icing recipe listed in the comments, with people sharing everything from whiskey to lemon flavor! It makes it so much more interesting for everyone.

I can’t speak for other food bloggers, but I love to hear what other bakers have concocted using my recipes as a base and it’s even better when you share via commenting on the original recipe.

  • I publish ALL comments, even the negatives ones.

As long as you aren’t dropping the F sharp throughout your comment, I’ll publish it. I know that some blogs have been called out for only publishing positive comments to but not this one. I’ll publish any comments that don’t have swear words or are attacking in nature. Did I make a mistake? I’ll publish it. Recipe didn’t work out? I will absolutely publish it. I find that when I post the comments that outline how my recipe didn’t work out, that other commenters will jump right in with help and support. Suggestions will fly all over and the end result will hopefully be that the person who commented will have a better look into why the recipe didn’t work out for them.

All comments, even negative ones, have value.

  • You help to nudge uncertain bakers/cooks into trying something they never have before.

When you write a positive comment that a recipe has worked out and you found it delicious, you are sending positivity out there that may be just the nudge an uncertain baker/cook needs. I can’t count the number of comments on this site or emails that I have received that reflect the sentiment of  “I wasn’t sure I was going to try this recipe, but then I saw all the comments! I am so glad that I did!”

Not everyone is a baker and not everyone likes to cook. The different skill levels of the readers of The Kitchen Magpie are diverse, from beginner to expert.

When you write a negative comment about how a recipe did not work out, we are all here to help you. Recipes are fickle creatures, cookies will work out in my elevation and simply not rise in others. Commenting is a way to take part in a community to help others with their trials and questions.

  •  You don’t have to have actually tried the recipe to comment on it.

There is value to be found in other comments as well. Of course, positive comments on the photos, ingenuity of a recipe or how delicious something sounds are always appreciated, but we as food bloggers also appreciate questions about the recipes, questions that might clarify something in your mind. For example, my Best Buttercream Icing recipe is the most commented on post on this site. One of the more popular questions is “What is coffee cream?” Ask away!  The comments can be used to ask questions as well and other readers love to help answer you!

comments on buttercream icing on top of cupcake
  • All of your comments have value.

This is of course, excluding the F sharp comments that happen about three times a year. Those comments may have value in the fact that I laugh when I read them in my dashboard. Who on earth would think that I am going to actually publish their comments with that kind of language?

The rest of your comments have value beyond gold. All of the comments open up dialogue between my readers and there is nothing I love to see more than people engaging on my site.

When you talk and comment to each other, it warms the cockles of my heart. On my Mother’s Day recipes  post, the following exchange between two of my readers was as follows:

Pamela wroteas I am alone tomorrow, husband on days and daughter, who in city and working nights…..sigh grilled cheese sandwiches for me…

 Nora respondedPamela i don’t know you but i’ve had some “alone” M’Day too… here’s a hug from me to you and GRILLED CHEESE rocks !!!!

If I’ve said it once, I’ll say it again. I have the best readers. In a world that sees swarms of negative blog posts/rants written just in the hopes to “go viral” the fact that commenters like Nora above bring positivity onto the internet and onto my site is valuable beyond measure.

I love you guys and not just because I was up before 6 am and a little bit punchy.

  • So have we established it’s not just for me, but all the readers of The Kitchen Magpie? The readers of all food sites?

Oh my friends, I do love comments. Don’t get me wrong, I love to hear from you. I love hearing how much you loved a recipe, how delicious something looked because let’s be honest, it’s a lot of work and a labour of love. So when you comment on my recipes, it helps me hang in there for another week šŸ˜‰

I know that leaving a comment can take a long time and can be frustrating sometimes. I’ve tried to streamline my system as much as possible so that it’s easier to comment here on the Kitchen Magpie. I still have to have measures in place to stop spam comments that would devalue the comments of you, my readers.

So even if it takes a while and you have to fill in a few areas, share your thoughts. Not just here but on other food blogs as well, for all the reasons above.

Comment for each other.

Comment to help others gain the confidence to try the recipe.

Comment to help everyone who might be trying the recipe.

Comment to help spread positivity in an increasingly negative internet.

Perhaps as readers you’re not told enough the value of your comments, so here’s me rectifying this situation.

Your comments are as valuable as the content on the site.

Happy Sunday everyone!


The Really? 5:55 am? Magpie

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Karlynn Johnston

Iā€™m a busy mom of two, wife & cookbook author who loves creating fast, fresh meals for my little family on the Canadian prairies. Karlynn Facts: I'm allergic to broccoli. I've never met a cocktail that I didn't like. I would rather burn down my house than clean it. Most of all, I love helping YOU get dinner ready because there's nothing more important than connecting with our loved ones around the dinner table!

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Comments & Recipe Tips Share a tip or comment!

  1. Edward Grey says

    Comments help. I also help others find the right flavor for them. I love food and sometimes when I get time, I do cook. I have tried many recipes from different blog but the best is Eats By The Beach. The recipes are so yummy and you will get a new taste.

  2. Neeraj Soni says

    Hii.. Karlynn Johnston

    i have read your recepies and they were amazing, i was searching this type of recepies from a long time … its really helpful for me……

    thanks for sharing such a lovely recepies.. keep it up šŸ™‚

  3. Daily4ever says

    After long time read such a wonderful post , this is really different and unique for me i like to say thanks to author keep it up.

  4. Retete culinare says

    I was looking for buttercream icing recipe as I wanted a different approach.Found myself here.I love your style!!

  5. Billal Hossain says

    Comments that let me know that a recipe worked and someone really enjoyed it makes my day! Thanks for writing thisā€¦

  6. mogios wylie says

    thank you very much.I like your word, all comments have value ?

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