Kick the tires and light the fires to 300 degrees.
Get the chocolate and chop it up.
Melt the chopped up chocolate in the hot coffee until it is completely dissolved and set aside.
Whisk together your dry ingredients.
Beat your eggs for 2-3 minutes, until they are thick and lemon colored.
Time to add the oil, buttermilk and vanilla. Once those are in, add the coffee/chocolate mixture slowly.
Then it's time for the dry ingredients, dump them in and mix at a moderate speed until they are combined completely.
Grease and parchment line two 9 or 10 inch pans.
Bake at 300 degrees until done.
When you have the two layers baked up, make a batch of my Chocolate Buttercream Icing. Put a small middle layer of icing between the cakes and put one on top of the other. You DO need to take a knife and carve the sides of this cake to make sure that they are fairly even. Otherwise, the Kitkats won’t do a good job of standing straight along the edges. When that is done, frost the sides and top. It doesn’t have to be pretty since we cover all the surfaces.
Depending on the size of your cake, take your 11 or 12 KitKat bars and line them up on the outside of the cake. (A little trick here is to freeze the KitKat bars. If you don’t, you leave fingerprints on the chocolate outside. To avoid this, freeze them! It won’t affect the taste at all.) Now, loosely wrap a ribbon around the KitKat bars to hold everything in place.
Tighten the ribbon until the Kitkat’s stand up straight and are tight against the cake. You can exert quite the pressure without breaking them if you have a wide ribbon.Tie it up tightly, helping push the KitKats into the icing to stick a bit better.
Start filling up your cake top, which is the best part of this whole cake, what could be more fun than loading up a cake with candy?