logo of quarantine, red triangle with inverted gold triangle inside

One year, ONE FALL, the kids are going to head back to school and NOT bring home some sort of infectious disease.

One Autumn, we aren’t going to even have a sniffle or a cough.

Well,this year ain’t the year.

Remember that sign above? Well, that was from the plague that hit us last year.

And now my darling daughter, whom we have established is Patient Zero in our house, brought home a supremely nasty GI bug.

My boys are sleeping upstairs, after having their popsicles, apple juice and Advil, which I hope stay down. One of those boys happens to be 35, but I made him take a bucket anyway.

My daughter, who was sick this weekend, is fine. So fine that I can’t almost take it.

So loud. So rambunctious. So not sick anymore.

So at home because no one was well enough to take her to school this morning.

Have you seen the Exorcist? That was my son in my ensuite last night.

Eleven at night, and I am washing the walls, floors, shower curtain and cabinet in the bathroom.

I really, really regret letting my son have chips with his hotdog last night. Those little bastards stick to things.

Don’t even ask what happened to me. Let’s just say in all my years of parenting, I have never been vomited on so thoroughly in my life. Head-to-toe spray.

See? You didn’t even have to ask, I told you anyway.

Let me add that even through my bar years, that has never happened as well. Twenty year olds have slightly more consideration and supremely better aim than a sick 6 year old.

So to those who have been in contact with us, I am so, so sorry. Wash your hands. Pray and hope. Stock up on popsicles and apple juice.

I’m impatiently awaiting my turn to nap and contemplating the option of homeschooling yet again…

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Karlynn Johnston

I’m a busy mom of two, wife & cookbook author who loves creating fast, fresh meals for my little family on the Canadian prairies. Karlynn Facts: I'm allergic to broccoli. I've never met a cocktail that I didn't like. I would rather burn down my house than clean it. Most of all, I love helping YOU get dinner ready because there's nothing more important than connecting with our loved ones around the dinner table!

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  1. LAEL says

    Hahaha,I homeschool. My kids STILL get sick. AND and AND one of them even got fricking LICE.
    I had a good laugh at that. After comforting my 5 year old who cried and sobbed that I was a murderer because I was killing her little “pets” *shudder*

  2. Karlynn says

    Oh flip, Kevin, I tell you, I was in at work two days spreading those germs this weekend….and no matter how I tried to use hand sanitizer and scrub up, I betcha some of the girls get sick! We touch the same computers and boards and phones and ew….BE glad that I didn’t make it Saturday, nothing like being the social pariah of an event!

    Aw Lori, that sucks but that beautiful little girlie of yours doesn’t need to get sick, nor her momma. How long are you in Canada for?

  3. Kevin says

    Ewwwwww. Glad you couldn’t make it Saturday 😉
    I personally hate this part of parenting. I’m just getting over a quick cold and that’s annoying enough – things travel from my oldest daughter to my youngest, then my wife, then I tend to drag the last of it out for ages. And our kids aren’t even in school yet. Bleh.

  4. Lori says

    Im so sorry to hear of this *DISEASE*. DEAR GOD woman, what is your postal address and I shall pop a bottle of wine in the post for you. Red or white. A smelly candle and a small lock – so you may go hide in a cupboard.
    I was heading upto Edmonton tomorrow for a few or 3 days, and was hoping if you had time to harass your a–. But I shall leave you alone to recover and when you get a minute send me through your mobile number, and if I am up that way again before I return to the Land of Wizards and Oz, we must meet for a glass of wine. Not coffee.


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